I’m Jovan
I'm a degen like you.
I'm just a random mfer like you, shitposting about crypto, the markets, trade ideas that I think have a good probability of asymmetric returns. I look for companies & tokens with good risk:reward. We’re all degens in our own way, sitting at a computer and trying to navigate through this crazy, fast paced new world.
I do what I want - you do what you want. NFA DYOR all that... I have a newsletter, subscribe if you want. I also like crypto memes, and art.
I do what I want when I want, with whom I want and I enjoy the freedom of it. Live your life like you want, make your own decisions, if my posts give you ideas or inspiration, I'm happy for it. And if not, I'm good with that too.
Here's to a great life, fun and big green candels.